About Dr. Harlan Kilstein

Harlan Kilstein, Ed. D  accidentally began his studies of hypnosis in an unusual way.

Because of his involvement in the anti-cult movement, Harlan began researching how the brain processes information.  He started studying hypnosis as part of a NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming – and moved on to deeply study the works of Milton H. Erickson M.D. Erickson was the founder of modern medical hypnosis. Harlan studied with RIchard Bandler and John Grinder the founders of NLP.  He also studied intensively with David Gordon – one of the early researchers of NLP. Doctoral Research

Harlan’s doctoral dissertation researched the effects of hypnotic language on the attentiveness of students.  His research was the first clinical research to uphold the validity of metaphor as a classroom tool.  After being awarded his doctorate in Education, Harlan’s academic training continued, including post-doctoral work at the prestigious Harvard University Department of Education.

Experience In Education

During his career in education, Harlan worked with problems normally associated with teenagers including behavioral issues, bedwetting, and sexual development.
He spent a lot of time working with people from abusive backgrounds.

Advanced Clinical Hypnosis & Personal Success Work

In the year 2000, Harlan began studying with Dr. Dave Dobson, a legendary figure in the world of hypnosis. Dobson’s teachings – known as Other Than Conscious Communication – became the core of Harlan’s work.  Dobson’s teachings are largely undecipherable except to a very small group of dedicated students. Harlan became one of the very few to actively use these skills on a regular basis.
In that same year, Harlan opened up a hypnosis clinic in South Florida that saw hundreds of clients every day.  He later opened a second clinic to deal with the overwhelming demand for his work. He began training hypnotists in 2001 and his students have established active practices. Harlan Kilstein makes the study of hypnosis easy, clear, and fun.

Founder of Ericksonian Hypnosis.com

Harlan currently teaches hypnosis in various products and courses you can find right here on the site.

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